Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and Weight Loss
Is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin weight loss the next fad diet or a magical weight loss drug? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, also known as hCG, is a hormone naturally produced in the body, and it has many uses to treat a variety of conditions such as infertility and used as a cancer detection agent. However, it is most known as a pregnancy hormone. During pregnancy, the hCG hormone levels in a woman increase. HCG allows the body to use fat as a source of nutrients for both the mothers and developing the fetus. For weight loss, the same concept is used but in small doses to promote loss of fat. However, the use of hCG in this fashion does not produce any other hormonal effect related to pregnancy and can, therefore, be prescribed to both men and women.
The use of hCG for the treatment of obesity and excess weight discovered in 1954 by endocrinologist Dr. Albert T.W. Simeons while studying pregnant women in India. After seeing that hCG helped reduce fat in many women, Simeons decided to share his knowledge with the world and published a weight loss book on the subject titled Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity. Before Simeon's discovery, obesity was thought of as simply the intake of too many calories by the patient and “had been relegated as to a ‘do-it-yourself’ project,” as Dr. Harry Guzman states in his study, “Chorionic Gonadotropin in Obesity.” Guzman claims that Dr. Simeon's discovery gave light to the fact that human fat and energy intake are much more complicated than originally thought (Gusman, 1969).
In Gusman’s study of the hCG method, he points out that adipose cells in obese people are different from normal fat cells. The body can naturally produce three types of body fat: structural fat, normal fat, and abnormal fat. Structural fat is the fat lining that protects internal organs in our bodies and normal fat is necessary for energy and health. Abnormal fat is the type most associated with obesity and excessive weight, which can cause severe health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, liver problems, and even respiratory problems. The only way to reduce these health risks and obesity is to fight away abnormal body fat. Through the use of the hCG Weight Loss plan, abnormal fat is significantly reduced in the body and allow the body obtain a healthy weight (Gusman, 1969).
Dr. Gusman’s studies indicate that out of his 500 patients under the hCG treatment, 70% were able to reach their desired normal weight and most were able to keep the weight off after the procedure. He states, “After 40 years of trying every new approach to the treatment of obesity with little or no success, I believe a new method that works has been made available to us (Gusman, 1969)."
In a study conducted by Dr. W.L Asher and Dr. Harold W. Harper, the authors concluded that, in a study of forty women, those taking hCG lost significantly more weight compared to the other women receiving placebo injections. “The HCG group lost significantly more mean weight, had a significantly greater mean weight loss per injection, and lost a significantly higher mean percentage of their starting weight,” states the study published by The American Society of Clinical Nutrition (Asher, 1973).
Similarly, in studies by Dr. Trudy Vogt and Daniel Belluscio, the doctors conclude, “…The hCG method appears to be a reasonable alternative in the management of a long-standing, unsolved problem of human metabolism.” The study also states, “After many trials, we concluded that the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) program suits our needs and goals: rapid weight loss, excellent body contour, and good skin tone after treatment (Vogt, 1987)."
Is hCG Safe?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is safe, and all women experience high levels during pregnancy with no adverse effects. The small doses used for weight loss do not have any undesirable effects on the body. Even though this treatment offers low risk and no side effects, it is highly recommended to seek the hCG Weight Loss Diet under a physician’s care.
What’s the Catch?
If pregnant women naturally generate the hCG hormone during their pregnancy, then why do they gain weight? When a woman becomes pregnant, she can no longer get all of the nutrients she and her baby need from her daily diet because of the added consumption. Here is where the hCG hormone plays its most important role. The hormone primarily makes it possible to utilize the mother’s fat to nourish the developing fetus. The hCG hormone can be used for weight loss purposes even without pregnancy. In combination with your physician’s treatment, a very low-calorie diet can be prescribed in combination with low doses of hCG. This will trigger the depletion of unhealthy fats in the body. Without hCG, the low-calorie intake affects the body’s metabolism, where there is a loss of muscle, bone, and fat. However, with hCG, the fat is accessed and used as an energy source without affecting the bone or muscle, as Dr. Simeons discovered in 1957. The metabolism is temporarily slowed, though there will be no ill metabolic effects.
The hCG Weight Loss Diet is a forty-day treatment with steady dosage where you can expect to lose approximately 20 lbs. in a month or about 1 lb. per day. In addition to weight loss, the benefits of losing weight include improvement in sleep, skin, and mood, as well as stabilized sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.
As with any low-calorie weight loss diets, the treatment will take approximately 2 to 3 days before any noticeable decrease in hunger and appetite will appear. Overall, most people have plenty of energy and feel great while on the hCG weight loss diet.
My Experience
Before & After
The hCG Weight Loss Diet has been completely life changing. I was motivated to lose weight for my son’s upcoming wedding. As of today, I have lost 33 pounds in a year, and I feel great! What I like most about the hCG Weight Loss Diet is that it worked for me, unlike many other diets I tried in the past. The best thing about the hCG weight loss plan is that it only takes 40 days and is doable, even for me!
At my first doctor’s appointment, I was weighed in, had my blood pressure checked, received a B12 vitamin shot, and a prescription for hCG pills. The pills had to be placed under my tongue every morning. Then the doctor proceeded to explain how the hCG Weight Loss Diet works. I would come in for weekly weigh-ins and B-12 vitamin shots for the next 40 to 45 days.
Some of the information I received was somewhat astounding. For example, it is not recommended to work out, use excessive lotion or body oil, or consume alcoholic beverages during the hCG diet protocol. Since the hCG diet is in conjunction with a low-calorie intake, it is not recommended that users go out to dinner during the 40-day diet. This means that family support is essential to your success. It is also recommended that you ask your physician to prescribe appetite suppressants. This is optional but very helpful in your success as it controls your appetite and facilitates the hCG pills in the reduction of fat in the body. As I now know, the hCG Weight Loss Diet is the ideal solution to gain confidence in your body as it promotes a healthy relationship with food. This is a perfect opportunity to adopt that healthy lifestyle you always wanted, lose fat, and maintain a healthy weight.
Is hCG Legal and FDA Approved for Weight Loss?
Although hCG has not been approved by the FDA to be used specifically for weight loss treatment, it is the FDA’s role to set safety parameters for drug related products on the market. Essentially, as long as the drug is safe to use, it is at the discretion of your doctor to prescribe it. Since the FDA has approved hCG for other treatments such as female infertility, it is safe to use for weight loss.
FDA Indications & Usage Disclaimer: HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.
Asher, W. L. (1973). Effect of Human Chronic Gonadotrophin on Weight Loss, Hunger and Feeling of Well-Being. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 26, 211-218.
Guzman, H. A. (1969). Ghorionic Gonadotropin in Obesity. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 22 (6), 686-695.
Vogt, T. M. (1987). Controversies in Plastic Surgery: Suction Assisted Lipectomy (SAL) and the hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) Protocol for Obesity Treatment . Aesthetic Plastic Surgery , 11, 131-156.