Nadine Burke Harris, M.D. is the author of "the deepest well - Healing the long-term effects of childhood adversity."

Dr. Harris interview on NPR discusses what negative experiences can do to a growing child’s health. Children’s exposure to adverse childhood experiences, such as physical, emotional or sexual abuse, physical or emotional neglect, parental mental illness, substance dependence, incarceration, parental separation or divorce or domestic violence can negatively affect health outcomes.

Dr. Harris found that children who are exposed to these adverse experiences with an ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) score of four or more, their relative risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was 2.5 times that of someone with an ACE score of zero. For hepatitis, it was also 2.5 times. For depression, it was 4.5 times. For suicidality, it was 12 times. A person with an ACE score of seven or more had triple the lifetime risk of lung cancer. And 3.5 times the risk of ischemic heart disease, the number-one killer in the United States of America.

In the end, however, Dr. Harris stated there is hope through, multi-disciplinary treatment, home visits, care coordination, mental health care, nutrition, holistic interventions, and medication when necessary we can reverse the effects of stress hormones if detected early.

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Dr. Brenda Rivera - Billings Dr.P.H., MPH, M.Sc.
Brenda Billings, principal consultant and CEO of UrbanSculpt, is a Health Educator focusing on issues related to nutrition counseling, body aesthetics, positive sexuality, and women’s self-empowerment issues. The organization's aim is to provide life-in-balance training, products, and services with a focus on solution based results to the many challenges facing the modern urban woman. Prior to UrbanSculpt, Brenda was a Founder, Chief Marketing Officer and content editor for DZineMedia, LLC., an entertainment and original content management company located in Silicon Valley. As principal she also oversaw day to day management, marketing, and content procurement efforts for Erotique!, a literary webzine and pioneering female-centric, online community focusing on cutting edge photography, the arts, poetry, original fiction and pop culture. In addition to her professional experience, Brenda was a founding board member of HCAA, a non-profit organization founded in cooperation with the City of San Jose. Its aims included: improving legal rights education, reducing inner-city blight, increasing volunteerism, and the encouragement of urban renewal. Brenda's educational background includes having graduated cum laude with a Master of Science in Health Science from TUI. She graduated summa cum laude from Touro College with a Bachelor’s of Science in Health Science Education specializing in Environmental Heath. She also holds a degree in Humanities / Art History from City College of San Francisco as well as honors certificates in both Nutrition Counseling and Multimedia & Digital Arts form San Jose City College

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