6 Tips to Deal With Financial Stress

By Jessica Leshnoff • February 27, 2020

There are plenty of things to be stressed about, but for many Americans, financial stress continually outranks everything else.1 Financial anxiety is also linked to physical and mental health issues, such as high blood pressure, headaches, and depression.2

But what’s the right way to deal with financial stress? And how do you lower it while working toward financial stability? Here are six ways to ease your mind about money problems so you can start feeling better in body, mind, and budget.

1. Don’t ignore your financial problems

Burying your head in the sand won’t make your money troubles go away. It will only make them worse. The best way to deal with your financial anxiety is to take a good hard look at your finances – even if it hurts – and start exploring solutions.

2. Identify the causes of your financial stress

There’s sure to be a root cause of your money problems. Maybe you’re overspending, paying bills late or not budgeting properly. You may still be trying to recover from a financial emergency or job loss. Once you figure out the main source, or sources, of your money stress, you can start getting on track.

3. Create a plan for tackling your finances

With the causes of financial stress identified, you can begin mapping out a plan to improve things. If spending habits are a contributing factor, investigate ways to prevent overspending. Perhaps you need to create a budget (or need help sticking to a budget). Remember that you don’t have to fix everything at once. Choose what to tackle first and what you’ll work on later. You may find that just the act of creating a plan eases financial anxiety.

4. Reach out to experts

Some banks, including credit unions, have financial counselors available free of charge for customers. Your employer may offer something similar as well. If you’re lucky enough to have these resources available, take advantage of them. You may be surprised how quickly a financial expert can get you on track (and how quickly it will ease your anxieties).

5. Find healthy ways to de-stress

Dealing with financial stress isn’t easy. That’s why it’s important to develop healthy coping mechanisms to combat your anxiety. From running to yoga, exercise is a proven way to reduce stress,3 as is meditation4. If you have access to a therapist, talking about your worries may help, too. Even just taking a walk or listening to a podcast may ease your mind.

6. Celebrate wins

Achieving financial stability is no small feat. That’s why it’s important to celebrate accomplishments as you tackle your money problems. They don’t have to be monumental wins or huge celebrations. Whether it’s a week of cooking budget-friendly meals at home or making a payment on time, just recognizing your accomplishments will make you feel good and help alleviate stress.

Take it one day at a time

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by money problems, especially when it comes to paying off debt. Remember, whether your financial issues were building over many years or are the result of the unexpected, it will take time to resolve them. Stick to your plan and remember that with discipline and determination – and some nice, deep breaths – you’ll get there.

Credit: One Main Financial



1. Hill, Catey. “This is the No. 1 reason Americans are so stressed out.” MarketWatch.com. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/one-big-reason-americans-are-so-stressed-and-unhealthy-2018-10-11 (accessed February 5, 2020).
2. Whysel, Brett. “3 Vicious Cycles: Links Among Financial, Physical And Mental Health.” Forbes.com. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brettwhysel/2018/06/27/3-vicious-cycles/#4bf79295540d (accessed February 5, 2020).
3. Harvard University. “Exercising to Relax.” Health.harvard.edu. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/exercising-to-relax (accessed February 5, 2020).
4. Mayo Clinic Staff. “Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Reduce Stress.” Mayoclinic.com. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/in-depth/meditation/art-20045858 (accessed February 5, 2020).

Dr. Brenda Rivera - Billings Dr.P.H., MPH, M.Sc.
Brenda Billings, principal consultant and CEO of UrbanSculpt, is a Health Educator focusing on issues related to nutrition counseling, body aesthetics, positive sexuality, and women’s self-empowerment issues. The organization's aim is to provide life-in-balance training, products, and services with a focus on solution based results to the many challenges facing the modern urban woman. Prior to UrbanSculpt, Brenda was a Founder, Chief Marketing Officer and content editor for DZineMedia, LLC., an entertainment and original content management company located in Silicon Valley. As principal she also oversaw day to day management, marketing, and content procurement efforts for Erotique!, a literary webzine and pioneering female-centric, online community focusing on cutting edge photography, the arts, poetry, original fiction and pop culture. In addition to her professional experience, Brenda was a founding board member of HCAA, a non-profit organization founded in cooperation with the City of San Jose. Its aims included: improving legal rights education, reducing inner-city blight, increasing volunteerism, and the encouragement of urban renewal. Brenda's educational background includes having graduated cum laude with a Master of Science in Health Science from TUI. She graduated summa cum laude from Touro College with a Bachelor’s of Science in Health Science Education specializing in Environmental Heath. She also holds a degree in Humanities / Art History from City College of San Francisco as well as honors certificates in both Nutrition Counseling and Multimedia & Digital Arts form San Jose City College

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