Avoiding health risks during a volatile election: Strategies to protect your mental health
As American enters into the final week of the 2020 Elections, long voting lines, divisive politics, and political attack advertisements are increasing stress levels that are just as historic as the current rate of early voting. The American Psychological Association reports that nearly 70% of respondents to a recent survey say that the elections are a significant stress source. As votes are counted, and our nation learns next week who will lead the next four years of the government, it's important to note that panicking about politics is a bipartisan experience (Chatterjee, 2020). Here are some key takeaways to help you and others in the week ahead.

More than a little stressed out?
Do you find yourself feeling angrier, agitated, and short of patience? Is it becoming more difficult to relax and focus on the things you enjoy? Do you lay awake at night dwelling on the day’s conflicts, unpaid bills, or other common stressors? When stress becomes overpowering it can leave us feeling powerless. It can cloud our judgment, and limit our ability to think lucidly. Moreover, allowing ourselves to become puppets in the hands of our stressors can take a heavy toll on both our physical and mental health.