6th annual Disability Awareness Day
UrbanSculpt Founder and Principal Health Education Practitioner, Brenda Rivera-Billings, M.Sc will be leading a workshop titled "Health Maintenance & Dietary Strategies for Women with Disabilities" during the 6th annual Disability Awareness Day sponsored by The City of San Jose and City Councilman Pete Content
Gift for Life Block Walk / Health Fair - Sisters Network Solano County
We will canvas door-to-door to distribute breast health information, a resources list, and pink ribbons. Walk to share your desire to educate, empower and embrace women, men and families. Please like our Facebook page to get updates on our event, how you can help, education and more.
BAND - ConFunkShun will play, vendors, informational health booths, free mammograms, raffles, zumba, demonstrations and more.
We are survivors, families and friends helping others through advocacy, education,information and support. Join us, this is the 11th Anniversary and we are making it a great one! For more information contact 707-642-6066 fax 707-552-1352 toll free 866-795-7724 website: http://www.sistersnetworksolanocounty.com/
Cost: Free to attend - Charity/Fundraiser. Raise funds for Sisters Network to continue with support meetings, mammograms, education and more. Please contact the office if you would like to walk and get a t-shirt to support our efforts.